How to fix your broken life — part 1

Get back on track.

The Pizza Guy
3 min readSep 7, 2020

How corona changed everything and the only step you need to take to get your life under control.

This is a new world.

We’re living in the new normal.

You don’t know what’s going to happen.

This is something everyone talks about these days…

They don’t talk about what has happened due to this pandemic.

Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Increase in anxiety, depression and feelings of desolation.

Why is that?

Because we’re humans.

Humans are creatures of habit.

We like our lives, just the way we like it.

The pandemic changed it.

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash


This happened to me — My life changed when pandemic hit. Instead of going to the gym at 10 AM, I couldn’t go.

Instead of going to the office, I worked from home.

With the uncertainity of whether I’ll be able to keep my job added to the instability of the routine.
It was a struggle. Anxiety and depression were looming at the horizon.

It took me 5 months to figure it out. The answer was so simple. So easily done.

I fixed myself, when I fixed my sleep.


Timely sleep.

A routine of when you sleep and when you wake up.

In these uncertain times, the only control we have is over our routine.

The most important part of your day is your sleep.

Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

How can you fix your sleep?

  • Go-to Sleep at a fixed time. You won’t be able to sleep immediately, but your brain likes the consistency.
  • You should ideally sleep at or before 12:00 AM.
  • Wake up at similar times other people get up. Range of times(7–9 AM)
  • Maximize your sleep, everyone needs are different. Figure out if you’re good with 7 or 8 or even 9 hour sleep.
  • Do not curse yourself if you wake up a bit later than you planned. It is all right. Sometimes, you need more sleep. Sometimes, we need less. Sometimes, we’re not in the mood to get up and go-to work — That’s so true for me. :)

Turn off your notifications. No. You do not need to watch another episode of Money Heist. It can wait. Your sleep cannot wait.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Learn to say no to distractions.

Sleep and all will be good.



The Pizza Guy

Sometimes into big questions, sometimes into small ones.